Rainbows, Unicorns & Ladybugs
The Hard Rock collector community knows Timmie Peterson as the #1 collector of pins depicting or honoring pin collectors and staff members. Over the last couple of months, this amazing community has been pulling together in various ways to lend support to Timmie Peterson & Ashley Peterson whose daughter Braylyn was diagnosed in May with leukemia. Braylyn Peterson is a bright & beautiful little girl who loves things like rainbows, unicorns, and ladybugs. With the love & support of her loving parents, family and friends, Braylyn finds the strength every day to fight what is sure to be a challenging road ahead. There’s one thing for sure, she is one of the bravest little girls we’ve ever seen.
Today, we are excited to unveil a special Hard Rock pin design to honor Braylyn’s bravery, as well as to support the Peterson family. As a way to help support Timmie & Ashley, this upcoming pin depicting Braylyn surrounded by some of the things she loves most, will go on sale benefiting the Peterson family.
As with any pin release, you need the support behind it to get it done. The pin was designed with the artistic assistance of Tiffany Clade Giordano. Additionally, a huge thank you to Chip Turman of the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Hollywood, FL. Without Chip’s support this design would have never seen the light of day. A special thanks to Jordan Rosenblatt whose work behind the scenes was crucial in getting all the necessary parties involved & working towards getting this pin designed. Thank you Jordan.
This special 150 produced Limited-Edition pin will be released at the Myrtle Beach cafe’s upcoming Rock the Beach event. The price of the pin will be $20 with 100% of the net proceeds going directly to the Peterson family. Special thanks to the Hard Rock Cafe Myrtle Beach for this generosity. (HRC Worldwide Community 17 Aug 2021)
Base material: Silver appearance
Style: Painted
Back print: 5 lines
Back pattern: crossed guitars and logos
Distribution method: Pin Event & private sale
Original price: $16.00 USD Retail; sold for $20 USD at Rock the Beach event