Craps Slider Guitar - Green Gibson SG

1 Variant  | 1 Prototype
Craps Slider Guitar- Gibson SG guitar with body displaying green baize craps table top markings in gold, black, white & red. Neck of guitar has 2007 in white, LAS VEGAS in black on a gold croupiers stick, hooking a pair of gold dice. One die is displaying four white dots with a red cross & the other die is displaying two white dots with a red diagonal marking. A small yellow circle with the word CAFE in red within the circle & the words HARD ROCK in red across the guitar & top of the yellow circle. The yellow circle & the words are also encircled in gold. Released 10/13/07 Painted style. 5 lines print. Guitar Pattern. This pin was sold through retail and/or online. Base Material is Gold Appearance
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