Gunnery Sgt. R. Lee Ermey

1 Variant  | 1 Autographed

Finally a figure that inspires the average man to action and excites a new purpose in those that have lost their way. This figure not only features the likeness of Gunnery Sgt. R. Lee Ermey but also a one minute sound chip that barks his unique motivational advice. The figure comes with a saber, sheath, and Drill Sgts. cover (hat). The Motivational Figure™ is packed in a full color box that features the Marine Sgts. Creed, Mr. Ermey's biography and filmography, and a certificate on the back with a space for Ermey's signature (if you are lucky enough to get one).

Due to the sharp points and small pieces this toy contains as well as the blunt honesty of the sound chip, this toy is recommended for those 12 and older.

Doll script: I am Gunnery Sergeant R. Lee Ermey. I am your senior Drill Instructor. You just pushed my button again you sorry sack of XXXX. What in the hXll is your major malfunction? Are you trying to be cute? What in the hXll is it going to take to motivate you any gXd damn way? Get your head out of your XXX. Wake up and smell the roses numbXXXX. You are the XXXXXXX in charge of your own destiny. Motivation and confidence is the key to success. Now drop down and give me 25 and wipe that XXXX eating grin off your face. Ooorrrahh, semper fi, do or die, hold them high at eighth and I. Let me hear your war cry XXXXbag. That ain't a war cry. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! That's a war cry! Don't screw with my button again XXXXXXXX!
(You want to know what the X's are, buy the doll!)

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3.56 of 5 (3 Ratings)