This Database Item is a temporary holding area for Miscellaneous Items graded 8.0 or better.
We are working on a better display of these Price Points as well as on how to calculate values for Graded cards. It is currently assumed that cards graded below 8 are in line with our Estimated Values for the ungraded version (but we will continue to review that and make changes as necessary).
You can see an early Mockup of how we plan to show Estimated Values in the gallery here.
NOTE: Please do not add this item to your Collection. If you own a graded card, you can add the standard version to your collection with grading information. See the hobbyDB Help page under External Links below to learn how!
NOTE: Please do not add Funko, Comic Books or Trading Card graded Price Points to this entry. Each has its own entry and can be found here:
Funko POPs Graded 8–10 | Vinyl Art Toys
Trading and Sports Cards Graded 8–10 | Trading Cards (Individual)