The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man v1 700.2
2 Variants

One year after his death at the hands of the Superior Spider-Man - PETER PARKER IS BACK! • Acclaimed novelist David Morrell (First Blood) and legendary comics icon Klaus Janson (DAREDEVIL: END OF DAYS) team up to kick off this celebration of the world's greatest super hero! • With a blizzard crippling New York City, Spider-Man must protect the city - but Aunt May's life is in danger!

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Member Rating
2.75 (no rating yet)

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Production Details

Issue #:
700.2 , 700.2, (),
Cover Date:
February 1st, 2014 , February 1st, 2014, (),
Production Status:
  • Standard
Packaging Details:


Color or B&W:
Color , Color, (),
Cover Price:
3.99 , 3.99, (),