This pins is a tribute to the oil drillers of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Features the Golden Driller standing next to an oil derrick. Across the middle is the city name "Tulsa" in blue, white, yellow, red and a white star. Hard Rock logo at the base of the drillers feet.
The Golden Driller is a 75-foot-tall (23 m), 43,500-pound (19,700 kg)[1] statue of an oil worker, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is the sixth-tallest statue in the United States.
An inscription at the base of the statue reads: "The Golden Driller, a symbol of the International Petroleum Exposition. Dedicated to the men of the petroleum industry who by their vision and daring have created from God's abundance a better life for mankind."
In 1979, the Golden Driller was adopted by the Oklahoma Legislature as the state monument.
Painted, Musical Intraments back pattern, gold appearance.