Prerequisite reading
Before starting the event, it is recommended to have read the following issues:
Subject ID: 189368
MorePrerequisite reading
Before starting the event, it is recommended to have read the following issues:
Main event
This event features several story-important tie-ins; therefore, just reading the main issues may result in an incomplete experience. The following list includes the relevant tie-ins.
The other tie-ins are completely optional. They take place somewhere between A.X.E.: Judgment Day #2 and 5 as they are mostly just characters getting judged; however, X-Force (Vol. 6) #33 reveals the ending to 6. The judgments of Cyclops and Wolverine are referenced in A.X.E.: X-Men #1, but the main content of their issues are not relevant, so they are not included.
Subject ID: 189368
Subject ID: 189368