Academy Award for Best Sound


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This list comprises all films and/or studio/sound editors/technicians that have won the award since it's inception in 1929.

The award went to the studio sound departments until a rule change in 1969 awarded the honor to the specific technicians. From 1963 to 1967, the award was split between Best Sound and Best Sound Effects. Special Achievement awards were given periodically for Sound Effects or Sound Mixing from 1975 to 1981. From 1982 to 2002, the award was again split between Best Sound and Best Sound Effects Editing. In 2003, the awards were further clarified as Best Sound Mixing and Best Sound Editing. The awards were consolidated back to Best Sound in 2020.

Subject ID: 182537


This list comprises all films and/or studio/sound editors/technicians that have won the award since it's inception in 1929.

The award went to the studio sound departments until a rule change in 1969 awarded the honor to the specific technicians. From 1963 to 1967, the award was split between Best Sound and Best Sound Effects. Special Achievement awards were given periodically for Sound Effects or Sound Mixing from 1975 to 1981. From 1982 to 2002, the award was again split between Best Sound and Best Sound Effects Editing. In 2003, the awards were further clarified as Best Sound Mixing and Best Sound Editing. The awards were consolidated back to Best Sound in 2020.

Subject ID: 182537


Subject ID: 182537