Gordon Shumway is a friendly extraterrestrial nicknamed Alf (an acronym for Alien Life Form), who crash lands in the garage of the suburban middle-class Tanner family. The series stars Max Wright as father Willie Tanner, Anne Schedeen as mother Kate Tanner, and Andrea Elson and Benji Gregory as their children, Lynn and Brian Tanner. Alf was performed by puppeteer Paul Fusco, who co-created the show with Tom Patchett.
Subject ID: 68389
MoreGordon Shumway is a friendly extraterrestrial nicknamed Alf (an acronym for Alien Life Form), who crash lands in the garage of the suburban middle-class Tanner family. The series stars Max Wright as father Willie Tanner, Anne Schedeen as mother Kate Tanner, and Andrea Elson and Benji Gregory as their children, Lynn and Brian Tanner. Alf was performed by puppeteer Paul Fusco, who co-created the show with Tom Patchett.
Subject ID: 68389
Subject ID: 68389