Arnold Phillip Shortman is a fictional character created by Craig Bartlett. He has featured in claymation shorts and comics, but his main role has been the main protagonist of the Nickelodeon animated television series Hey Arnold!.
Over the course of the series, Arnold has had a handful of voice actors. In the pilot, Arnold's voice was provided by J.D. Daniels. Other actors providing Arnold's voice include Toran Caudell, Phillip Van Dyke, Spencer Klein, Alex D. Linz, and most recent actor at present is Mason Vale Cotton.
Subject ID: 73476
MoreArnold Phillip Shortman is a fictional character created by Craig Bartlett. He has featured in claymation shorts and comics, but his main role has been the main protagonist of the Nickelodeon animated television series Hey Arnold!.
Over the course of the series, Arnold has had a handful of voice actors. In the pilot, Arnold's voice was provided by J.D. Daniels. Other actors providing Arnold's voice include Toran Caudell, Phillip Van Dyke, Spencer Klein, Alex D. Linz, and most recent actor at present is Mason Vale Cotton.
Subject ID: 73476
Subject ID: 73476