Asajj Ventress

Star Wars | Character

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Asajj Ventress was a Dathomirian who desired to be considered a true Sith Lord, but was denied because of the Sith Rule of Two. Ventress has served as a slave, a Jedi padawan, an assassin and an apprentice under Count Dooku, before eventually splitting off and joining the likes of the Nightsisters.

Subject ID: 69528


Asajj Ventress was a Dathomirian who desired to be considered a true Sith Lord, but was denied because of the Sith Rule of Two. Ventress has served as a slave, a Jedi padawan, an assassin and an apprentice under Count Dooku, before eventually splitting off and joining the likes of the Nightsisters.

Subject ID: 69528


Subject ID: 69528