Bardahl Grime Gang

Bardahl | Character

Something Missing?

The gang consisted of

  1. Clarimunda (Clatterbad Clara)
  2. Carvãozinho (Mr. Blackie Carbon)
  3. Antônio Sujo (Dirty sludge)
  4. Zé dos Anéis Presos (Gummy Rings)
  5. Chico Válvula Presa (Sticky Valves).

Subject ID: 160235


The gang consisted of

  1. Clarimunda (Clatterbad Clara)
  2. Carvãozinho (Mr. Blackie Carbon)
  3. Antônio Sujo (Dirty sludge)
  4. Zé dos Anéis Presos (Gummy Rings)
  5. Chico Válvula Presa (Sticky Valves).

Its nemesis was Detective Bardahl doll.

Subject ID: 160235


Subject ID: 160235