Black Panther (T'Challa) is a fictional superhero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer-editor Stan Lee and penciller and co-plotter Jack Kirby, he first appeared in Fantastic Four #52. He is the first black superhero in mainstream American comics, debuting several years before such early African-American superheroes as Marvel Comics' the Falcon and Luke Cage, and DC Comics' Tyroc, Black Lightning, and Green Lantern John Stewart. The character is usually depicted as the king and protector of Wakanda, a fictional African nation.
Chadwick Boseman portrayed the Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe beginning with Captain America: Civil War until his death in 2020.
Subject ID: 39952
MoreBlack Panther (T'Challa) is a fictional superhero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer-editor Stan Lee and penciller and co-plotter Jack Kirby, he first appeared in Fantastic Four #52. He is the first black superhero in mainstream American comics, debuting several years before such early African-American superheroes as Marvel Comics' the Falcon and Luke Cage, and DC Comics' Tyroc, Black Lightning, and Green Lantern John Stewart. The character is usually depicted as the king and protector of Wakanda, a fictional African nation.
Chadwick Boseman portrayed the Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe beginning with Captain America: Civil War until his death in 2020.
Subject ID: 39952
Subject ID: 39952
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