Bright is a 2017 American urban fantasy action film directed by David Ayer and written by Max Landis. The film is set in an alternate present in which humans and mythical creatures co-exist and details an LAPD police officer (portrayed by Will Smith) and his orc partner (Joel Edgerton) confronting racism and police corruption while protecting a magic wand and the elf girl (Lucy Fry) who wields it. Noomi Rapace, Édgar Ramírez, and Ike Barinholtz also star.
Subject ID: 77560
MoreBright is a 2017 American urban fantasy action film directed by David Ayer and written by Max Landis. The film is set in an alternate present in which humans and mythical creatures co-exist and details an LAPD police officer (portrayed by Will Smith) and his orc partner (Joel Edgerton) confronting racism and police corruption while protecting a magic wand and the elf girl (Lucy Fry) who wields it. Noomi Rapace, Édgar Ramírez, and Ike Barinholtz also star.
Subject ID: 77560
Subject ID: 77560