With a maintenance robot and a deadly fugitive tagging along, friendship droid S.A.M. searches for its best friend, the heir to a kingdom under siege...
Cannon Busters is an American fantasy comic book series by LeSean Thomas, launched in March 2005. An anime original net animation by Satelight and Yumeta Company was released on Netflix on August 15, 2019.
Subject ID: 101070
MoreWith a maintenance robot and a deadly fugitive tagging along, friendship droid S.A.M. searches for its best friend, the heir to a kingdom under siege...
Cannon Busters is an American fantasy comic book series by LeSean Thomas, launched in March 2005. An anime original net animation by Satelight and Yumeta Company was released on Netflix on August 15, 2019.
Subject ID: 101070
Subject ID: 101070