Captain Action is an original character first released as an action figure by the Ideal Toy Company in 1966. Its origins come from the confluence of G.I. Joe's success as an action figure and Barbie's success as a dress-up doll. Through a variety of additional costume sets, Captain Action was able to present as the consumer's favorite heroes.Unfortunately, due to lagging sales just a few years after release, Captain Action was discontinued by Ideal in 1968. In 1998, Playing Mantis attempted to reboot Captain Action, adding new costumes and packaging to the once abandoned line of toys. However, the renaissance did not last long and the hero's line was once again discontinued in 2000. Since 2005, the licensing rights to Captain Action have been passed on to Captain Action Enterprises and, as a result, new merchandise is still being created for fans of the old hero.
Subject ID: 93064
MoreCaptain Action is an original character first released as an action figure by the Ideal Toy Company in 1966. Its origins come from the confluence of G.I. Joe's success as an action figure and Barbie's success as a dress-up doll. Through a variety of additional costume sets, Captain Action was able to present as the consumer's favorite heroes.Unfortunately, due to lagging sales just a few years after release, Captain Action was discontinued by Ideal in 1968. In 1998, Playing Mantis attempted to reboot Captain Action, adding new costumes and packaging to the once abandoned line of toys. However, the renaissance did not last long and the hero's line was once again discontinued in 2000. Since 2005, the licensing rights to Captain Action have been passed on to Captain Action Enterprises and, as a result, new merchandise is still being created for fans of the old hero.
Subject ID: 93064
Subject ID: 93064