Child's Play is a 1988 American supernatural slasher film directed by Tom Holland, from a screenplay he co-wrote with Don Mancini and John Lafia, and a story by Mancini. The film stars Catherine Hicks and Chris Sarandon with Brad Dourif as Chucky. Its plot follows a widowed mother who gives a doll to her son, unaware that the doll is possessed by the soul of a serial killer.
Subject ID: 116435
MoreChild's Play is a 1988 American supernatural slasher film directed by Tom Holland, from a screenplay he co-wrote with Don Mancini and John Lafia, and a story by Mancini. The film stars Catherine Hicks and Chris Sarandon with Brad Dourif as Chucky. Its plot follows a widowed mother who gives a doll to her son, unaware that the doll is possessed by the soul of a serial killer.
Subject ID: 116435
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Subject ID: 116435
PAL Ex-Rental
Exclusive slipsleeve available only at SDCC 2013 and during convention days only.
Lever action (button) pops up greeting.
Surprise a friend or loved one with open arms and a pop-up greeting with Popsies, the new collectible greeting by Funko! Press the center of the bow, and the special message appears above Chucky, as he holds his arms open wide. You can even write who it's from and for with a permanent marker on the present's label. Share a sentiment and a smile with an awesome Popsies of Chucky! Vinyl collectible greeting is approximately 5-inches tall. Warning: Not for children under the age of 3 years old.
Official Marketing Text:
He wants you as a best friend... be a good guy and play with Chucky! This limited edition Chucky box ingot is individually numbered and measures approximately 9 x 12.5cm. A specially designed art card is included with this ingot as well as each set being limited to 1988 worldwide (release date of Childs Play). Each ingot is heavily embossed and includes a display stand within its presentation box.
Official Marketing Text:
Beware Chucky is back, but this time you're safe with the Child's Play Chucky Gen 2 Fun Box. It features an image of your favorite (and evil) doll, Chucky! This fun box has an embossed front cover, a sturdy handle, and measures approximately 8 3/4-inches long x 6 3/4-inches tall x 4-inches deep. It's not designed to store or carry food but it can hold just about anything else that'll fit.
Chucky (Body Knockers)
Chucky (Puzzle)
This is a child's play Chucky doll 1/1 scale from Trick or Treat Studios.
He enjoys adventure, excitement and especially loves playing hide the soul. If anyone tries to stop you having fun, he’ll make sure they don’t bother you again.
The NOT SO GOOD GUY comes complete with 360 degree printing, a custom hairpiece, a custom made kitchen knife and a yardstick.
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