Columbia is a character from the musical productions of The Rocky Horror Show since 1973, from the 1975 movie, from the 2015 tribute production celebrating 40 years, and from the 2016 reimagining movie. Columbia is a groupie, lover of Frank for a while untill he changed her for Eddie, of whom she also fell in love until his death. She is one of Frank's servants in his castle along with Riff Raff and Magenta.
She was portrayed by Little Nell in the 1973 Original London Production and in the 1975 film adaptation; by Boni Enten in the 1974 Roxy Production and the 1975 Broadway Production; by Joan Jett in the 2001 Broadway Revival, by Sophie Linder-Lee in the 2015 live tribute production, and by Annaleigh Ashford in the 2016 reimagining movie.
Subject ID: 65559
MoreColumbia is a character from the musical productions of The Rocky Horror Show since 1973, from the 1975 movie, from the 2015 tribute production celebrating 40 years, and from the 2016 reimagining movie. Columbia is a groupie, lover of Frank for a while untill he changed her for Eddie, of whom she also fell in love until his death. She is one of Frank's servants in his castle along with Riff Raff and Magenta.
She was portrayed by Little Nell in the 1973 Original London Production and in the 1975 film adaptation; by Boni Enten in the 1974 Roxy Production and the 1975 Broadway Production; by Joan Jett in the 2001 Broadway Revival, by Sophie Linder-Lee in the 2015 live tribute production, and by Annaleigh Ashford in the 2016 reimagining movie.
Subject ID: 65559
Subject ID: 65559