Danger Mouse (voiced by David Jason) is the titular character of the Danger Mouse animated television series which aired from 28 September 1981 to 19 March 1992 on the ITV network.
He is often called the world's greatest secret agent—so secret, in fact, that his codename has a codename. He speaks 34 languages fluently, including some extraterrestrial ones. He reportedly possesses a wide range of skills, including the ability to shatter metal with his voice, perform military style push-ups on his index finger, and reach a 7th level of meditation. He is also a practitioner of the ancient martial art of Kung Moggy.
Subject ID: 119714
MoreDanger Mouse (voiced by David Jason) is the titular character of the Danger Mouse animated television series which aired from 28 September 1981 to 19 March 1992 on the ITV network.
He is often called the world's greatest secret agent—so secret, in fact, that his codename has a codename. He speaks 34 languages fluently, including some extraterrestrial ones. He reportedly possesses a wide range of skills, including the ability to shatter metal with his voice, perform military style push-ups on his index finger, and reach a 7th level of meditation. He is also a practitioner of the ancient martial art of Kung Moggy.
Brian Cosgrove described Jason's portrayal as "His voice had the perfect mix of forcefulness, humour and gentleness. He was totally committed to doing voiceovers for silly cartoons, which warmed my heart, and we became great friends." Jason said "I wanted to make him sound believable. We decided he would be softly spoken, very British, very heroic, but also a bit of a coward. He’d save the world, but he’d also run for it!"
Subject ID: 119714
Subject ID: 119714