Deep Silver

Video Games | Publisher

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Deep Silver is the video game publishing division of German multinational corporation Koch Media, based in Planegg, Bavaria. Since its founding in 2002, Deep Silver has published and co-published several major titles, notably the Dead Island and Homefront series, as well as taking stewardship over the Saints Row series following THQ's bankruptcy. In total, the company has released more than 200 games.

Subject ID: 46054


Deep Silver is the video game publishing division of German multinational corporation Koch Media, based in Planegg, Bavaria. Since its founding in 2002, Deep Silver has published and co-published several major titles, notably the Dead Island and Homefront series, as well as taking stewardship over the Saints Row series following THQ's bankruptcy. In total, the company has released more than 200 games.

Subject ID: 46054


Subject ID: 46054