Diamant Mehl


Something Missing?

It starts in a watermill in Hattrop near Soest in Westphalia: since 1775, the Müller family Plange has milled rye and wheat from the Soester Börde and supplies the bakers in the area with meal and flour. In the middle of the 19th century, a steam mill was purchased in Soest, where Müller Plange recognizes that the sometimes weak German wheat needs to be supplemented with strong overseas varieties. The flour therefore has consistently high quality. To document this, he gives his top flour a name: Diamant-Mehl (English: Diamond Flour).

1995 is the anniversary year: We proudly look back on 100 years.
This year, a new diamond flour pack with a fresh, natural face looks to the future. And in 2001 we decide: the diamond also gets its rays back.

Subject ID: 42046


It starts in a watermill in Hattrop near Soest in Westphalia: since 1775, the Müller family Plange has milled rye and wheat from the Soester Börde and supplies the bakers in the area with meal and flour. In the middle of the 19th century, a steam mill was purchased in Soest, where Müller Plange recognizes that the sometimes weak German wheat needs to be supplemented with strong overseas varieties. The flour therefore has consistently high quality. To document this, he gives his top flour a name: Diamant-Mehl (English: Diamond Flour).

1995 is the anniversary year: We proudly look back on 100 years.
This year, a new diamond flour pack with a fresh, natural face looks to the future. And in 2001 we decide: the diamond also gets its rays back.

Subject ID: 42046


Subject ID: 42046