DMG Entertainment

Film, TV, VR, Books, Comics, Video Games | Organization

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DMG Entertainment is a global entertainment and media company. DMG Entertainment began as a film production company that was founded by Dan Mintz, Wu Bing, and Peter Xiao in 1994. In 2012, DMG started co-producing and financing major motion pictures. In 2016, DMG also acquired the VR rights to Hasbro’s Transformers franchise, a live-action attraction and a theme park for Transformers Universe; the first "digital theme park" opened in spring 2017 in Shanghai. Following the full acquisition of comic publisher Valiant Entertainment in 2018, DMG added two new divisions: "Books & Comics" and "Video Games".

Subject ID: 189105


DMG Entertainment is a global entertainment and media company. DMG Entertainment began as a film production company that was founded by Dan Mintz, Wu Bing, and Peter Xiao in 1994. In 2012, DMG started co-producing and financing major motion pictures. In 2016, DMG also acquired the VR rights to Hasbro’s Transformers franchise, a live-action attraction and a theme park for Transformers Universe; the first "digital theme park" opened in spring 2017 in Shanghai. Following the full acquisition of comic publisher Valiant Entertainment in 2018, DMG added two new divisions: "Books & Comics" and "Video Games".

Subject ID: 189105


Subject ID: 189105