Jesse Donald "Don" Knotts was an American comedic actor best known as a regular on "The Steve Allen Show," as Jesse W. Haywood in the 1968 film The Shakiest Gun in the West, The Incredible Mr. Limpet, where for the majority of the film he plays a talking fish, and as Barney Fife on the 1960s television sitcom The Andy Griffith Show, a role in which he earned five Emmy Awards. He also played landlord Ralph Furley on the 1970s and 1980s television sitcom Three's Company.
In 1996, TV Guide ranked him #27 on its 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time list.
Subject ID: 31722
MoreJesse Donald "Don" Knotts was an American comedic actor best known as a regular on "The Steve Allen Show," as Jesse W. Haywood in the 1968 film The Shakiest Gun in the West, The Incredible Mr. Limpet, where for the majority of the film he plays a talking fish, and as Barney Fife on the 1960s television sitcom The Andy Griffith Show, a role in which he earned five Emmy Awards. He also played landlord Ralph Furley on the 1970s and 1980s television sitcom Three's Company.
In 1996, TV Guide ranked him #27 on its 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time list.
Subject ID: 31722
Subject ID: 31722