Floyd Lawson (Floyd the Barber) is a fictional character on the sitcom The Andy Griffith Show, who was likely inspired by barbers in Andy Griffith's real-life hometown of Mount Airy, North Carolina. One barber named Russell Hiatt was known as "the real-life Floyd". Hiatt may have cut Andy Griffith's hair while Griffith was young and living in Mount Airy, and was still cutting hair daily at "Floyd's City Barber Shop" in Downtown Mount Airy until several years before his death in 2016. Griffith, however denied that Hiatt was the inspiration for Floyd Lawson.
Subject ID: 15546
MoreFloyd Lawson (Floyd the Barber) is a fictional character on the sitcom The Andy Griffith Show, who was likely inspired by barbers in Andy Griffith's real-life hometown of Mount Airy, North Carolina. One barber named Russell Hiatt was known as "the real-life Floyd". Hiatt may have cut Andy Griffith's hair while Griffith was young and living in Mount Airy, and was still cutting hair daily at "Floyd's City Barber Shop" in Downtown Mount Airy until several years before his death in 2016. Griffith, however denied that Hiatt was the inspiration for Floyd Lawson.
Subject ID: 15546
Subject ID: 15546