Fred appears in the Walt Disney Animation Studios 2014 animated film Big Hero 6, voiced by T. J. Miller. In the film, he is depicted as a Caucasian comic book fan who works as the mascot at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. Speaking of Miller, co-director Chris Williams said "He's a real student of comedy. There are a lot of layers to his performance, so Fred ended up becoming a richer character than anyone expected." In much of the promotional materials, Fred initials his last name as "L.".
Nickname: Fredzilla
Subject ID: 65217
MoreFred appears in the Walt Disney Animation Studios 2014 animated film Big Hero 6, voiced by T. J. Miller. In the film, he is depicted as a Caucasian comic book fan who works as the mascot at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. Speaking of Miller, co-director Chris Williams said "He's a real student of comedy. There are a lot of layers to his performance, so Fred ended up becoming a richer character than anyone expected." In much of the promotional materials, Fred initials his last name as "L.".
Nickname: Fredzilla
Subject ID: 65217
Subject ID: 65217