Fuzzy Door Productions, Inc. is an American film and television production company founded by Seth MacFarlane in 1998. The company's productions include animated series Family Guy, American Dad!, the Family Guy spinoff The Cleveland Show, the live-action sitcom The Winner, the science documentary series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey and the sci-fi comedy drama series The Orville. Established as part of 20th Century Studios, the company signed a deal with NBCUniversal in 2020, subsequently basing its headquarters at Universal City Studios in Universal City, and naming Erica Huggins as its president that same year.
Subject ID: 182085
MoreFuzzy Door Productions, Inc. is an American film and television production company founded by Seth MacFarlane in 1998. The company's productions include animated series Family Guy, American Dad!, the Family Guy spinoff The Cleveland Show, the live-action sitcom The Winner, the science documentary series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey and the sci-fi comedy drama series The Orville. Established as part of 20th Century Studios, the company signed a deal with NBCUniversal in 2020, subsequently basing its headquarters at Universal City Studios in Universal City, and naming Erica Huggins as its president that same year.
Subject ID: 182085
Subject ID: 182085