Israeli diecast, initially known as Gamda Toys (1962-1966). Later formed a joint venture with Koor (1967-1974) when the Sabras were introduced. Sabras were also sold as Cragstan Detroit Seniors in the US.
Subject ID: 2585
MoreIsraeli diecast, initially known as Gamda Toys (1962-1966). Later formed a joint venture with Koor (1967-1974) when the Sabras were introduced. Sabras were also sold as Cragstan Detroit Seniors in the US.
Subject ID: 2585
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Subject ID: 2585
2-door, Sabra or Detroit Seniors branding
2-door, Sabra or Detroit Seniors branding
Named "American Buick" on its base, this model depicted a 1953 Buick Roadmaster Coupe. The model was first produced by River Series in the UK, with and without a friction motor. It was produced in cream, orange-red and chrome plated finishes. Later, the model was produced in New Zealand by Lincoln Industries in blue or green with a black-painted base and the River Series name removed. Lastly, it was produced in Israel by Gamda Koor in two-tone red and cream with the addition of clear plastic windows and Israeli numberplate transfers.
The Kemlows Sentry Series / Gamda Koor Centurion Tank was a simple model of a Centurion Tank with a rotating turret. It was initially produced in England by Kemlows in their Sentry Series in green drab. The dies for the model were later sold to Gamda Koor in Israel where it was produced in olive drab. The Kemlows model was only sold separately although intended to be used with the tank transporter model produced in the same series. This model was also reproduced by Gamda Koor, however it is not known if the Israeli version of the tank and transporter were sold together, separately or both.
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