Ghost Stories

Animated Series (2000-2001) | TV Show

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Ghost Stories, also known as Ghosts at School, is a 2000 horror-paranormal, animated/anime comedy series loosely based on a series of children's novels by Tōru Tsunemitsu. It was directed by Noriyuki Abe, produced by Yuriko Nakamura, Hideo Katsumata, and Ken Hagino, and written by Hiroshi Hashimoto. The original Japanese version starred a large ensemble cast, starring Tomoko Kawakami, Takako Honda, Kumi Sakuma, Makoto Tsumura, Ryūsei Nakao, Kurumi Mamiya, Yutaka Aoyama, Takehiro Murozono, Kotono Mitsuishi, and Sara Nakayama. The English voice cast stars Hilary Haag, Chris Patton, Monica Rial, Greg Ayres, Rob Mungle, Christine Auten, Tommy Drake, Illich Guardiola, Marcy Bannor, and Brittney Karbowski.

The series follows a group of "Scooby-Don'ts" who attempt to exorcise the ghosts in their city and home following the events of nearby urbanization. Fifth-grader Satsuki Miyanoshita and her family have recently moved to the city where her father and deceased mother grew up, and forms an unlikely group of friends -- Hajime Aoyama (her neighbor, classmate, and rival), Leo Kakinoki (Hajime's best friend and a self-proclaimed "paranormal expert" and researcher), Momoko Koigakubo (Satsuki's eventual best friend and upper classmate), Keiichiro Miyanoshita (her younger brother), and Amanojaku (a demon trapped in her family's cat). Using her mother's lost journal, Satsuki is able to put the spirits to rest and rid her home and the school of paranormal activity.

Subject ID: 162707


Ghost Stories, also known as Ghosts at School, is a 2000 horror-paranormal, animated/anime comedy series loosely based on a series of children's novels by Tōru Tsunemitsu. It was directed by Noriyuki Abe, produced by Yuriko Nakamura, Hideo Katsumata, and Ken Hagino, and written by Hiroshi Hashimoto. The original Japanese version starred a large ensemble cast, starring Tomoko Kawakami, Takako Honda, Kumi Sakuma, Makoto Tsumura, Ryūsei Nakao, Kurumi Mamiya, Yutaka Aoyama, Takehiro Murozono, Kotono Mitsuishi, and Sara Nakayama. The English voice cast stars Hilary Haag, Chris Patton, Monica Rial, Greg Ayres, Rob Mungle, Christine Auten, Tommy Drake, Illich Guardiola, Marcy Bannor, and Brittney Karbowski.

The series follows a group of "Scooby-Don'ts" who attempt to exorcise the ghosts in their city and home following the events of nearby urbanization. Fifth-grader Satsuki Miyanoshita and her family have recently moved to the city where her father and deceased mother grew up, and forms an unlikely group of friends -- Hajime Aoyama (her neighbor, classmate, and rival), Leo Kakinoki (Hajime's best friend and a self-proclaimed "paranormal expert" and researcher), Momoko Koigakubo (Satsuki's eventual best friend and upper classmate), Keiichiro Miyanoshita (her younger brother), and Amanojaku (a demon trapped in her family's cat). Using her mother's lost journal, Satsuki is able to put the spirits to rest and rid her home and the school of paranormal activity.

The series has received positive reviews, with praise towards the characters, horror elements, settings, tone, and character arcs, but with minor criticism drawn towards the "dated animation." The English dub of the series sees alterations to the main storyline, and has garnered notoriety in the following years for its dark humor and pop culture references. The English version sees changes to the main cast of characters, with Momoko becoming a devoted "servant" of the Lord and former drug and sex addict, Leo being written as a young Jewish boy, and Keiichiro being written as a young boy with several developmental disabilities, including dyslexia. In spite of these changes, the English dub has received praise and a positive reception from television critics. 



Subject ID: 162707


Subject ID: 162707