The Glyos System Series is a line of toys produced by Matt Doughty and Michelle Doughty of Onell Design and sold exclusively on their website[1]. These three inch tall figures populate the Glyos System and feature a simple peg & socket joint system known as the "Fit Function" that makes them completely interchangeable with one another, allowing for limitless build options. Their flagship character and mascot, Pheyden, can be found in almost every wave produced
Subject ID: 106022
MoreThe Glyos System Series is a line of toys produced by Matt Doughty and Michelle Doughty of Onell Design and sold exclusively on their website[1]. These three inch tall figures populate the Glyos System and feature a simple peg & socket joint system known as the "Fit Function" that makes them completely interchangeable with one another, allowing for limitless build options. Their flagship character and mascot, Pheyden, can be found in almost every wave produced
Subject ID: 106022
Subject ID: 106022