Happy Feet Two is a 2011 animated jukebox musical comedy film directed, produced and co-written by George Miller. It is the sequel to the 2006 film Happy Feet starring Elijah Wood, Robin Williams in his final animated feature, Hank Azaria, Alecia Moore (P!nk), Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Sofia Vergara, Common, Hugo Weaving, Richard Carter, Magda Szubanski and Anthony LaPaglia. Wood, Williams, Weaving, Szubanski and LaPaglia reprised their roles with Moore and Common replacing the late Brittany Murphy, and Fat Joe respectively. In addition, E.G. Daily also returned in different roles. In the film, Erik (Ava Acres), the son of Mumble (Wood) and Gloria (Moore) who is reluctant to dance, runs away from home and encounters the Mighty Sven (Azaria), a tufted puffin. When the penguins are trapped by a giant wall of ice and snow, they must save Antarctica.
Subject ID: 48583
MoreHappy Feet Two is a 2011 animated jukebox musical comedy film directed, produced and co-written by George Miller. It is the sequel to the 2006 film Happy Feet starring Elijah Wood, Robin Williams in his final animated feature, Hank Azaria, Alecia Moore (P!nk), Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Sofia Vergara, Common, Hugo Weaving, Richard Carter, Magda Szubanski and Anthony LaPaglia. Wood, Williams, Weaving, Szubanski and LaPaglia reprised their roles with Moore and Common replacing the late Brittany Murphy, and Fat Joe respectively. In addition, E.G. Daily also returned in different roles. In the film, Erik (Ava Acres), the son of Mumble (Wood) and Gloria (Moore) who is reluctant to dance, runs away from home and encounters the Mighty Sven (Azaria), a tufted puffin. When the penguins are trapped by a giant wall of ice and snow, they must save Antarctica.
Subject ID: 48583
Subject ID: 48583