The Herbie film franchise is a series of five feature films, one television mini-series, and one made-for-TV film produced by the Walt Disney Company. The franchise is focused on Herbie, a sentient 1963 Volkswagen Beetle, and follows his adventures in auto racing and the relationships of his accompanying humans. The first film, The Love Bug, was released in 1968, and as of 2024, the final entry in the franchise was Herbie: Fully Loaded, released to theaters in 2005.
Subject ID: 47704
MoreThe Herbie film franchise is a series of five feature films, one television mini-series, and one made-for-TV film produced by the Walt Disney Company. The franchise is focused on Herbie, a sentient 1963 Volkswagen Beetle, and follows his adventures in auto racing and the relationships of his accompanying humans. The first film, The Love Bug, was released in 1968, and as of 2024, the final entry in the franchise was Herbie: Fully Loaded, released to theaters in 2005.
Subject ID: 47704
Subject ID: 47704