Released alongside the World Race 1/64 assortment, these packs contained a VHS or DVD of a part of World Race, 2 World Race die-cast vehicles, and 2 tokens of the respective vehicles. The VHS/DVDs included Episode 1: Ring of Fire, Episode 2: Greatest Challenge, and Episode 3: Desert Heat. When combined, none of these episodes form a complete movie, as Episodes 4 and 5 were never individually released.
Known variants of the World Race Video Packs include:
Subject ID: 70961
MoreReleased alongside the World Race 1/64 assortment, these packs contained a VHS or DVD of a part of World Race, 2 World Race die-cast vehicles, and 2 tokens of the respective vehicles. The VHS/DVDs included Episode 1: Ring of Fire, Episode 2: Greatest Challenge, and Episode 3: Desert Heat. When combined, none of these episodes form a complete movie, as Episodes 4 and 5 were never individually released.
Known variants of the World Race Video Packs include:
episode name and format / cars (left to right) /
Subject ID: 70961
Subject ID: 70961