Togashi's best-selling manga Hunter × Hunter. The story focuses on a young boy named Gon Freecss who departs on a journey to find his father, a world-renowned Hunter. Along the way, Gon meets his friends: Kurapika, the last remaining member of the Kurta clan; Leorio, a physician who desires the financial benefits that Hunters receive; and Killua Zoldyck, a boy who left his former life as a member of the world's most dangerous family of assassins.
Subject ID: 96395
MoreTogashi's best-selling manga Hunter × Hunter. The story focuses on a young boy named Gon Freecss who departs on a journey to find his father, a world-renowned Hunter. Along the way, Gon meets his friends: Kurapika, the last remaining member of the Kurta clan; Leorio, a physician who desires the financial benefits that Hunters receive; and Killua Zoldyck, a boy who left his former life as a member of the world's most dangerous family of assassins.
Subject ID: 96395
Subject ID: 96395