Ice Age: The Meltdown is a 2006 computer-animated comedy adventure film produced by Blue Sky Studios and released by 20th Century Fox. As the first sequel to the 2002 film Ice Age, it focuses on The Herd escaping an upcoming flood, during which Manny finds love. It was directed by Carlos Saldanha, co-director of the first film, with the music composed by John Powell. The original voice cast — Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, and Chris Wedge — is joined by Queen Latifah, Seann William Scott, and Josh Peck.
Subject ID: 54580
MoreIce Age: The Meltdown is a 2006 computer-animated comedy adventure film produced by Blue Sky Studios and released by 20th Century Fox. As the first sequel to the 2002 film Ice Age, it focuses on The Herd escaping an upcoming flood, during which Manny finds love. It was directed by Carlos Saldanha, co-director of the first film, with the music composed by John Powell. The original voice cast — Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, and Chris Wedge — is joined by Queen Latifah, Seann William Scott, and Josh Peck.
Subject ID: 54580
Subject ID: 54580