Irish Spring

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Irish Spring is an American brand of deodorant soap that the Colgate-Palmolive company has marketed since 1970.

Irish Spring was launched in Germany in 1970 and in the US in 1972. Up until 1990, Irish Spring soap bars only came in one scent (known internally as "Ulster Fragrance"), but the Colgate company has since branched out into several niche varieties and scents. Irish Spring deodorants and shaving products were manufactured until the 1980s. In 2007, Irish Spring body wash was introduced. In addition, in 2011, Irish Spring deodorant was reintroduced as part of Colgate-Palmolive's Speed Stick brand of products.

Subject ID: 143618


Irish Spring is an American brand of deodorant soap that the Colgate-Palmolive company has marketed since 1970.

Irish Spring was launched in Germany in 1970 and in the US in 1972. Up until 1990, Irish Spring soap bars only came in one scent (known internally as "Ulster Fragrance"), but the Colgate company has since branched out into several niche varieties and scents. Irish Spring deodorants and shaving products were manufactured until the 1980s. In 2007, Irish Spring body wash was introduced. In addition, in 2011, Irish Spring deodorant was reintroduced as part of Colgate-Palmolive's Speed Stick brand of products.

In 1986, the soap changed its formula, included a different scent, and added skin conditioners.

Subject ID: 143618


Subject ID: 143618