Irwin Wayfair

Small Soldiers | Character

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Irwin Wayfair (portrayed by David Cross) was a toy designer at the Heartland Toy Company who now works for Gil Mars from GloboTech Industries who took over the company and renamed it Heartland Playsystems. He is the creator of the Gorgonites and cares about bringing joy to kids and is worried (and rightly so) that Gil would only care about profits. 

Subject ID: 162832


Irwin Wayfair (portrayed by David Cross) was a toy designer at the Heartland Toy Company who now works for Gil Mars from GloboTech Industries who took over the company and renamed it Heartland Playsystems. He is the creator of the Gorgonites and cares about bringing joy to kids and is worried (and rightly so) that Gil would only care about profits. 

Subject ID: 162832


Subject ID: 162832