Jake and the Never Land Pirates is an Annie Award-winning musical interactive animated Disney Junior show based on the successful Disney franchise, Peter Pan, that was in turn based on the famous book and play by British author J.M. Barrie. It is the first Disney Junior original show following the switch from Playhouse Disney.
Jake (later known as Captain Jake) is a young pirate boy who is under the wings of Peter Pan and serves as the titular protagonist of the Disney Junior animated series, Jake and the Never Land Pirates. He was voiced by Colin Ford, Cameron Boyce, Sean Ryan Fox and later by Riley Thomas Stewart. He is currently voiced by Gabe Eggerling for the remaining fourth season of the series.
Subject ID: 99457
MoreJake and the Never Land Pirates is an Annie Award-winning musical interactive animated Disney Junior show based on the successful Disney franchise, Peter Pan, that was in turn based on the famous book and play by British author J.M. Barrie. It is the first Disney Junior original show following the switch from Playhouse Disney.
Jake (later known as Captain Jake) is a young pirate boy who is under the wings of Peter Pan and serves as the titular protagonist of the Disney Junior animated series, Jake and the Never Land Pirates. He was voiced by Colin Ford, Cameron Boyce, Sean Ryan Fox and later by Riley Thomas Stewart. He is currently voiced by Gabe Eggerling for the remaining fourth season of the series.
Subject ID: 99457
Subject ID: 99457