Joseph "Joe" Swanson (voiced by Patrick Warburton) is the Griffins' neighbor and Peter's friend. He is a paraplegic police officer. Joe still proves to be an extremely skilled police officer, as he is constantly seen pursuing criminals or rescuing victims with the aid of his wheelchair and even goes so far as to abandon his wheelchair to complete his work. In "A Hero Sits Next Door", Joe mentioned that he was crippled stopping the Grinch from stealing Christmas from an orphanage. He is usually shown as being very tactful, but he also has severe anger issues (In "Road to Rupert", for example, he overreacts when Peter makes it difficult for him to revoke his driving license.) He is married to Bonnie Swanson, who was once pregnant for many years. They have a son named Kevin who staged his own death in Iraq. He also has an infant daughter, Susie. In "Joe's Revenge", it is revealed that Joe's story about being crippled during a fight with the Grinch was a cover-up. Joe Swanson was actually crippled by Bobby "The Shirt" Briggs, who he kills later in that episode. A recurring joke for Joe is that his legs are often depicted as being flexible to the point of not seeming to have any bones in them at all.
Subject ID: 30099
MoreJoseph "Joe" Swanson (voiced by Patrick Warburton) is the Griffins' neighbor and Peter's friend. He is a paraplegic police officer. Joe still proves to be an extremely skilled police officer, as he is constantly seen pursuing criminals or rescuing victims with the aid of his wheelchair and even goes so far as to abandon his wheelchair to complete his work. In "A Hero Sits Next Door", Joe mentioned that he was crippled stopping the Grinch from stealing Christmas from an orphanage. He is usually shown as being very tactful, but he also has severe anger issues (In "Road to Rupert", for example, he overreacts when Peter makes it difficult for him to revoke his driving license.) He is married to Bonnie Swanson, who was once pregnant for many years. They have a son named Kevin who staged his own death in Iraq. He also has an infant daughter, Susie. In "Joe's Revenge", it is revealed that Joe's story about being crippled during a fight with the Grinch was a cover-up. Joe Swanson was actually crippled by Bobby "The Shirt" Briggs, who he kills later in that episode. A recurring joke for Joe is that his legs are often depicted as being flexible to the point of not seeming to have any bones in them at all.
Subject ID: 30099
Subject ID: 30099