John Roderick "Johnny" Gage is portrayed by actor Randolph Mantooth. Gage worked with Roy DeSoto as a firefighter/paramedic for the Los Angeles County Fire Department and usually rode "shotgun" in Squad 51. Prior to working as a paramedic, he worked for the rescue squad at Station 10. Initially against the suggestion to qualify as a paramedic, he decided to pursue it after a couple of incidents when he realized he could have done more with the specialized medical training. He met DeSoto when applying for the new program (see "The Wedsworth-Townsend Act") and after graduation decided to partner with him at the newly built Station 51. He and DeSoto would remain partners until the last episode ("Greatest Rescues of Emergency!"), when both would be promoted to captain. Gage, like DeSoto, then had to give up the Paramedics and was assigned his own station.
Subject ID: 26412
MoreJohn Roderick "Johnny" Gage is portrayed by actor Randolph Mantooth. Gage worked with Roy DeSoto as a firefighter/paramedic for the Los Angeles County Fire Department and usually rode "shotgun" in Squad 51. Prior to working as a paramedic, he worked for the rescue squad at Station 10. Initially against the suggestion to qualify as a paramedic, he decided to pursue it after a couple of incidents when he realized he could have done more with the specialized medical training. He met DeSoto when applying for the new program (see "The Wedsworth-Townsend Act") and after graduation decided to partner with him at the newly built Station 51. He and DeSoto would remain partners until the last episode ("Greatest Rescues of Emergency!"), when both would be promoted to captain. Gage, like DeSoto, then had to give up the Paramedics and was assigned his own station.
Subject ID: 26412
Subject ID: 26412