Killer Bob (or simply Bob) is a fictional character in the ABC television series Twin Peaks. He is a demonic entity who feeds on fear and pleasure. He possesses human beings and then commits acts of rape and murder in order to feast upon his victims.
Bob made his first appearance in the pilot episode, "Northwest Passage", where he makes a brief appearance in a vision Sarah Palmer has. The character eventually grew into the series' primary antagonist in the second season. Frank Silva, a set dresser on the pilot, was given the role of Bob after a reflection of his face in a mirror was accidentally captured by the camera during filming. When series creator David Lynch saw Silva's face, he liked it so much he kept it in the show, and cast Silva as Bob.
Subject ID: 66533
MoreKiller Bob (or simply Bob) is a fictional character in the ABC television series Twin Peaks. He is a demonic entity who feeds on fear and pleasure. He possesses human beings and then commits acts of rape and murder in order to feast upon his victims.
Bob made his first appearance in the pilot episode, "Northwest Passage", where he makes a brief appearance in a vision Sarah Palmer has. The character eventually grew into the series' primary antagonist in the second season. Frank Silva, a set dresser on the pilot, was given the role of Bob after a reflection of his face in a mirror was accidentally captured by the camera during filming. When series creator David Lynch saw Silva's face, he liked it so much he kept it in the show, and cast Silva as Bob.
Subject ID: 66533
Subject ID: 66533