Lawrence Limburger (voiced by W. Morgan Sheppard) is the main antagonist of the series and arch enemy of the Biker Mice. Lawrence Limburger is a bloated alien from Plutark and has an odd fascination for Earth's criminal society of the 1930s. He is the head of Limburger Industries, the biggest industrial company in Chicago. Wearing a purple business suit and a rubber mask in order to look human at most times, he attempts to mine it and other parts of Earth of various resources including random earth, dirt, rock, snow, metal, and oil, which he plans to send back to his own dying planet. He is highly resourceful and cunning, but always failing due to the Biker Mice's interventions. His headquarters is a very tall tower called Limburger Plaza. Unfortunately for him, his plans are foiled and his tower is either destroyed, torn down, launched into space, or even disappears completely by the Biker Mice at the climax of almost every single episode. Limburger reappears in the 2006 sequel series, initially as a bootlicker for the Pit Boss but later as a co-conspirator alongside the Catatonians.
Subject ID: 11978
MoreLawrence Limburger (voiced by W. Morgan Sheppard) is the main antagonist of the series and arch enemy of the Biker Mice. Lawrence Limburger is a bloated alien from Plutark and has an odd fascination for Earth's criminal society of the 1930s. He is the head of Limburger Industries, the biggest industrial company in Chicago. Wearing a purple business suit and a rubber mask in order to look human at most times, he attempts to mine it and other parts of Earth of various resources including random earth, dirt, rock, snow, metal, and oil, which he plans to send back to his own dying planet. He is highly resourceful and cunning, but always failing due to the Biker Mice's interventions. His headquarters is a very tall tower called Limburger Plaza. Unfortunately for him, his plans are foiled and his tower is either destroyed, torn down, launched into space, or even disappears completely by the Biker Mice at the climax of almost every single episode. Limburger reappears in the 2006 sequel series, initially as a bootlicker for the Pit Boss but later as a co-conspirator alongside the Catatonians.
Subject ID: 11978
Subject ID: 11978