Luigi is a character in Pixar Studios' Cars film franchise. Luigi is a 1959 Fiat 500 who runs the local tire shop in Radiator Springs, Luigi's Casa Della Tires, with his companion Guido. Luigi offers the finest selection of tires west of the Mississippi, and Luigi's Casa Della Tires is known far and wide for its impeccable service, competitive prices, and of course, its very stylish proprietor. Luigi is a huge fan of Ferrari Racing.
Luigi is portrayed by Tony Shalhoub.
Subject ID: 70251
MoreLuigi is a character in Pixar Studios' Cars film franchise. Luigi is a 1959 Fiat 500 who runs the local tire shop in Radiator Springs, Luigi's Casa Della Tires, with his companion Guido. Luigi offers the finest selection of tires west of the Mississippi, and Luigi's Casa Della Tires is known far and wide for its impeccable service, competitive prices, and of course, its very stylish proprietor. Luigi is a huge fan of Ferrari Racing.
Luigi is portrayed by Tony Shalhoub.
Subject ID: 70251
Subject ID: 70251