Lunch Lady Cram


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Lunch Lady Cram (or Mrs. Cram) is the school's strict new lunch lady, who forced the students to eat the glop in "Little Glop of Horrors."
In "Norse Code," she used Thorvald's battle ax to prepare her disgusting dishes! She has a twin sister named Bus Lady Cram. Candi Milo provides her voice.

Subject ID: 151868


Lunch Lady Cram (or Mrs. Cram) is the school's strict new lunch lady, who forced the students to eat the glop in "Little Glop of Horrors."
In "Norse Code," she used Thorvald's battle ax to prepare her disgusting dishes! She has a twin sister named Bus Lady Cram. Candi Milo provides her voice.

Subject ID: 151868


Subject ID: 151868