Mandalorian Death Watch Warrior

Star Wars | Character

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The Death Watch Warrior were warriors that served the Mandalorian terrorist group Death Watch. Led by Pre Vizsla, the warriors of Death Watch were exiled for their intent to restore the ways of Mandalore's warrior past, opposing the New Mandalorians and their pacifist ways. They wore blue Mandalorian armor and wielded WESTAR-35 blaster pistols among other weapons.

Subject ID: 118577


The Death Watch Warrior were warriors that served the Mandalorian terrorist group Death Watch. Led by Pre Vizsla, the warriors of Death Watch were exiled for their intent to restore the ways of Mandalore's warrior past, opposing the New Mandalorians and their pacifist ways. They wore blue Mandalorian armor and wielded WESTAR-35 blaster pistols among other weapons.

Subject ID: 118577


Subject ID: 118577