Mark Machado, better known as Mr. Cartoon, is a renowned tattoo & graffiti artist based in Los Angeles, California. Beginning at the age of twelve, he was airbrushing T-shirts and Lowrider cars before adopting the "Fineline Style" tattoo art style, which was developed in the California prison system.
His tattoo cliets include: Kobe Bryant, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Eminem, Method Man, Xzibit, Prodigy, DJ Premier, Travis Barker, Scott Raynor, Bow Wow, Freddie Ljungberg, Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé Knowles, Danny Trejo, Mena Suvari, Redman, and Snoop Dogg. In addition to tattoos, Machado designed the logo for Cypress Hill and Eminem's Shady Records. Machado's work has been used by Nike, Toyota, T-Mobile, MetroPCS, the Los Angeles Clippers and in Grand Theft Auto.
Subject ID: 129901
MoreMark Machado, better known as Mr. Cartoon, is a renowned tattoo & graffiti artist based in Los Angeles, California. Beginning at the age of twelve, he was airbrushing T-shirts and Lowrider cars before adopting the "Fineline Style" tattoo art style, which was developed in the California prison system.
His tattoo cliets include: Kobe Bryant, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Eminem, Method Man, Xzibit, Prodigy, DJ Premier, Travis Barker, Scott Raynor, Bow Wow, Freddie Ljungberg, Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé Knowles, Danny Trejo, Mena Suvari, Redman, and Snoop Dogg. In addition to tattoos, Machado designed the logo for Cypress Hill and Eminem's Shady Records. Machado's work has been used by Nike, Toyota, T-Mobile, MetroPCS, the Los Angeles Clippers and in Grand Theft Auto.
Subject ID: 129901
Subject ID: 129901