Beginning in 2013, the first series of Masters of the Universe: Eternia Minis were released by Mattel through Mattycollector as 6 sets of 2-packs. Each set came with a different piece to build a Castle Grayskull. A second series of 2-packs were planned that would all include a piece to build Snake Mountain but was ultimately cancelled. The series was then revived in 2020 with the first of 5 waves of new figures. The first 2 series were done blind box style, with the last 3 done individually carded. There were also several multi-packs and playsets available with each wave.
Subject ID: 111517
MoreBeginning in 2013, the first series of Masters of the Universe: Eternia Minis were released by Mattel through Mattycollector as 6 sets of 2-packs. Each set came with a different piece to build a Castle Grayskull. A second series of 2-packs were planned that would all include a piece to build Snake Mountain but was ultimately cancelled. The series was then revived in 2020 with the first of 5 waves of new figures. The first 2 series were done blind box style, with the last 3 done individually carded. There were also several multi-packs and playsets available with each wave.
Subject ID: 111517
Subject ID: 111517
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