McCloud is a television police drama that aired on NBC from 1970-77. The series starred Dennis Weaver, and for six of its seven years on the air it aired as part of the NBC Mystery Movie rotating wheel series that was produced for the network by Universal Studios.
The show was centered on Deputy Marshal Sam McCloud of Taos, New Mexico, who was on loan to the New York City Police Department (NYPD) as a special investigator.
Subject ID: 70591
MoreMcCloud is a television police drama that aired on NBC from 1970-77. The series starred Dennis Weaver, and for six of its seven years on the air it aired as part of the NBC Mystery Movie rotating wheel series that was produced for the network by Universal Studios.
The show was centered on Deputy Marshal Sam McCloud of Taos, New Mexico, who was on loan to the New York City Police Department (NYPD) as a special investigator.
Subject ID: 70591
Subject ID: 70591