Miami Police Department

Police Force

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The Miami Police Department (MPD), also known as the City of Miami Police, is the chief police department of the southeastern U.S. city of Miami, Florida. Their jurisdiction lies within the actual city limits of Miami, but have mutual aid agreements with neighboring police departments. City of Miami police are distinguishable from their Miami-Dade counterparts by their blue uniforms and blue-and-white patrol vehicles.

Subject ID: 49761


The Miami Police Department (MPD), also known as the City of Miami Police, is the chief police department of the southeastern U.S. city of Miami, Florida. Their jurisdiction lies within the actual city limits of Miami, but have mutual aid agreements with neighboring police departments. City of Miami police are distinguishable from their Miami-Dade counterparts by their blue uniforms and blue-and-white patrol vehicles.

Subject ID: 49761


Subject ID: 49761