Mighty Max is an animated action/sci-fi television series that aired from 12 September 1993 to 2 December 1994 based upon the British Mighty Max toys, an outgrowth of the Polly Pocket line, created by Bluebird Toys in 1992. It ran for two seasons, with a total of 40 episodes airing during the show's run.
Subject ID: 90448
MoreMighty Max is an animated action/sci-fi television series that aired from 12 September 1993 to 2 December 1994 based upon the British Mighty Max toys, an outgrowth of the Polly Pocket line, created by Bluebird Toys in 1992. It ran for two seasons, with a total of 40 episodes airing during the show's run.
Subject ID: 90448
Subject ID: 90448