Momoshiki Otsutsuki is a fictional character, first introduced in Pierrot's 2015 anime film, Boruto: Naruto the Movie which acts as a sequel to Masashi Kishimoto's manga Naruto. A descendant of Otsutsuki and the series' villain Kaguya, Momoshiki appears in the film as the antagonist.
Momoshiki was created and designed by Masashi Kishimoto based on the Japanese figure Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
Subject ID: 150850
MoreMomoshiki Otsutsuki is a fictional character, first introduced in Pierrot's 2015 anime film, Boruto: Naruto the Movie which acts as a sequel to Masashi Kishimoto's manga Naruto. A descendant of Otsutsuki and the series' villain Kaguya, Momoshiki appears in the film as the antagonist.
Momoshiki was created and designed by Masashi Kishimoto based on the Japanese figure Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
Subject ID: 150850
Subject ID: 150850